SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online

    Sobre el SciELO

    Description of elements used by DTDs-SciELO

    AUTHOR . . . . . .
    G GLOSSARY . . . . . .
    H HEADER HIST . . . . .
    ISSUENO ISSUEPT . . . . .
    K KEYGRP KEYWORD . . . . .
    M MEDIUM . . . . . .
    N NO NOTES . . . . .
    U UPDATE URL . . . . .
    Z ZIPCODE . . . . . .


    Name: Bibliographic list in ABNT format
    How to use it: It assembles the elements of a bibliography structured according to NBR 6023/89 standard by ABNT.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: back
    Contains: acitat
    Attributes: standard, count
    DTD: article


    Name: Abstract
    How to use it: It identifies the abstract of the article.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: bibcom, bbibcom
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: language
    TAG in database: 83
    DTD: article


    Name: Date when the article was accepted
    How to use it: It identifies the date when the article was accepted for publication in the magazinejournal.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: hist
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: dateiso
    TAG in database: 113
    DTD: article


    Name: Citation in ABNT format
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of a bibliographic reference in a bibliography.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: abnt6023
    Contains: no, acontrib, amonog, aiserial, confgrp
    DTD: article


    Name: Acknowledgement
    How to use it: It contains the elements to identify an acknowledgement.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: serback
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: serial


    Name: Contribution in ABNT format
    How to use it: It assembles elements, such as author and title, for the bibliographic description of a work that is part of a magazinejournal or a book, such as magazinejournal articles and chapters of books.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: acitat
    Contains: author, corpauth, et-al, title, subtitle, volid, pages
    DTD: article


    Name: Affiliation
    How to use it: Identifies the institution the author is affiliated to.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: city, state, country, zipcode, email
    Attributes: id, orgname, orgdiv1, orgdiv2, orgdiv3
    TAG in database: 70
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Serial publication in ABNT format
    How to use it: It contains specific identification elements of a serial or periodical publication.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: acitat
    Contains: sertitle, stitle, isstitle, city, state, country, pubname, suppl, volid, issueno, date, extent, pages, notes, issn
    DTD: article


    Name: Alternative title
    How to use it: It indicates the alternative title of a magazinejournal or of a serial or periodical publication.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: serfront
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 230
    DTD: serial


    Name: Monograph in ABNT format
    How to use it: It assembles the main elements to identify a monograph.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: acitat
    Contains: author, corpauth, et-al, title, subtitle, subresp, edition, confgrp, city, state, country, pubname, date, volid, tome, extent, pages, coltitle, colvolid, notes, isbn, thesis
    DTD: article


    Name: Anonymous author
    How to use it: It indicates the work is by an anonymous author.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: oauthor
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Article
    How to use it: It indicates the beginning of a scientific article.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: sersec
    Contains: front, body, back, aff
    Attributes: pii, doctopic, language, ccode, status, version, type, order, seccode, stitle, volid, supplvol, issueno, supplno, fpage, lpage, dateiso, issn, sponsor
    DTD: article, serial


    Name: Symbol
    How to use it: It specifies a symbol that will be inserted in the document. It is similar to the element figure. The tag may be either used to set the space aside or to specify the symbol. Size and identity of the symbol are specified through the attributes.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: cover, sponsor
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, serial


    Name: Author group
    How to use it: It assembles the elements used to identify the individual or corporate authors of an article.
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: front, text
    Contains: author, corpauth
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Author
    How to use it: It assembles the elements used to identify the individual authors who are responsible for the intellectual content of a document such as name, surname and type of responsibility (coordination, organization , etc.).
    Content Type: element
    Contained in: authgrp, vcontrib, icontrib, acontrib, vmonog, imonog, amonog, iiserial
    Contains: surname, fname
    Attributes: role, rid
    TAG in database: 10, 16, 28
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Back matter
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of the back matter of an article, where complementary information, such as abstract, can be found and where the article bibliographic references are found.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article
    Contains: bbibcom, vancouv, iso690, abnt6023, other
    DTD: article


    Name: Complementary bibliographic elements
    How to use it: It assembles the complementary elements to identify the article, such as abstract and keywords.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: back
    Contains: abstract, keygrp, confgrp, report, thesgrp, hist, title, subtitle
    DTD: article


    Name: Complementary bibliographic elements
    How to use it: It assembles the complementary elements to identify the article, such as abstract and keywords.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: front
    Contains: abstract, keygrp, confgrp, report, thesgrp, hist, title, subtitle
    DTD: article


    Name: Bibliographic strip
    How to use it: It indicates the basic elements to identify a journal issue.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: toct
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: language
    TAG in database: 43
    DTD: serial


    Name: Body matter
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of the body or actual text of an article, which may be composed of several sections such as introduction, methodology, description and conclusions, as well as illustrations, tables, figures, etc.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Processing center code
    How to use it: It identifies the code of article processing center.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 01
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Cited
    How to use it: Used in the Vancouver standard for quoting electronic articles in order to indicate the date when said article was accessed.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial, iiserial, imonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: dateiso
    TAG in database: 109
    DTD: article


    Name: City
    How to use it: It identifies the name of a city.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: confgrp, thesgrp, vmonog, thesis, iiserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, aff, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 66, 56, 46
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Collection title
    How to use it: It identifies the title of a collection or series the work is part of.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: imonog, amonog, omonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 25
    DTD: article


    Name: Collection volume
    How to use it: It indicates the number of a collection volume.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: amonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 26
    DTD: article


    Name: Conference group
    How to use it: It assembles the elements to identify an event such as conference, seminar, congress, etc. contained in annals and similar publications.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: bibcom, bbibcom, vmonog, acitat, amonog, ocitat, omonog
    Contains: sponsor, confname, no, date, city, state, country
    DTD: article


    Name: Conference Name
    How to use it: It specifies the name of an event such as conference, seminar, congress, etc.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: confgrp
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 53
    DTD: article


    Name: Contract number
    How to use it: It identifies a numeric or alphanumeric code provided by the institution sponsoring a project of which the article is a final or partial product.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: rsponsor
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 60
    DTD: article


    Name: Institutional author (corporate author)
    How to use it: It identifies the corporate author responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of the work.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: authgrp, vcontrib, icontrib, acontrib, vmonog, imonog, amonog, iiserial
    Contains: orgname, orgdiv
    TAG in database: 11, 17, 29
    DTD: article


    Name: Number of elements or documents
    How to use it: It informs the number of references included in the bibliographic list whenever it is an attribute of reference bibliographic lists, such as Vancouver, and indicates the number of articles in an issue when it is a HEADER attribute.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: serfront, vancouv, iso690, abnt6023, other
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 72
    DTD: article, serial


    Name: Country
    How to use it: It identifies a country.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: confgrp, thesgrp, thesis, iiserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, aff, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 67, 57, 47
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Cover
    How to use it: It indicates the figure on the issue cover.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serfront
    Contains: artwork
    TAG in database: 97
    DTD: serial


    Name: Date
    How to use it: It identifies a date. The date is defined based on its location within the document: the date indicated in the copyright section is the copyright date; the date indicated in a bibliographic reference is the date of publication.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serpubfr, confgrp, thesgrp, viserial, vmonog, thesis, iiserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, ocontrib, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: dateiso
    TAG in database: 64, 54, 44
    DTD: article, serial


    Name: DateISO
    How to use it: It identifies the date according to the standardized form, established by ISO-ST-2014-1976. (Made of eight digits: the first four digits indicate the year, the following two indicate the month, and the last two digits indicate the day).
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: date, received, accepted, revised, article, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 65, 110, 112, 114, 116, 55, 45
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Degree
    How to use it: It identifies the degree of an academic dissertation or thesis such as master's degree, Ph.D., etc.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: thesgrp, thesis
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 51
    DTD: article


    Name: Document type
    How to use it: It identifies the type of the document handled, for instance, original article or literature review.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 71
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Date period
    How to use it: It identifies the period of time encompassed in the content of the document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: keygrp
    Contains: #EMPTY
    Attributes: from, to
    DTD: article


    Name: Edition
    How to use it: It identifies the edition number of a work.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vmonog, iiserial, imonog, amonog, omonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 63
    DTD: serial


    Name: Editor's name
    How to use it: It indicates the name of the editor of a special issue of a journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serfront
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: serial


    Name: Email
    How to use it: It indicates the email address.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: aff
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Entries
    How to use it: Automatically generated, it indicates the entries that are under the table of content sections.
    Type of Content: #IMPLIED
    Contained in: entrygrp
    DTD: serial


    Name: Entry group
    How to use it: Automatically generated, it contains the entries that appear in the table of contents.
    Type of Content: #IMPLIED
    Contained in: secgrp
    Contains: entry
    DTD: serial


    Name: And others
    How to use it: It indicates the bibliographic reference contains authors not mentioned.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vcontrib, icontrib, acontrib, ocontrib, vmonog, imonog, amonog, omonog, iiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Work extent
    How to use it: It identifies the extent of a work, such as the number of pages or volumes.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 20
    DTD: article


    Name: Figure group
    How to use it: It identifies a figure group.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Figure reference
    How to use it: It indicates the figure reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: figgrp
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Name
    How to use it: It identifies the first names of an individual author.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: author, subresp, oauthor
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Front page
    How to use it: It identifies the first page of a text or article in the printed version.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: text; article
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Initial date
    How to use it: It identifies the initial date related to the time frame handled in the article.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: dperiod
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 74
    DTD: article


    Name: Front matter
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of an article front matter, where descriptive and/or bibliographic information to identify the article is found.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article
    Contains: titlegrp, authgrp, bibcom
    DTD: article


    Name: Glossary
    How to use it: It specifies the glossary section. The glossary is an alphabetic list of terms about a specific topic or an area of knowledge.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serback
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: serial


    Name: Header of the table of content model
    How to use it: It identifies the header of the table of content model.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: toct
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: language
    TAG in database: 48
    DTD: serial


    Name: History
    How to use it: It identifies the history of publishing an article in a journal, comprising dates it was received, accepted or revised.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: bibcom, bbibcom
    Contains: received, accepted, revised
    DTD: article


    Name: Citation in ISO format
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of a bibliographic reference in a bibliography in the ISO format.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: iso690
    Contains: no, icontrib, iiserial, imonog
    DTD: article


    Name: Contribution in ISO format
    How to use it: It gathers elements, such as author and title, for the bibliographic description of a work that is part of a journal or a book, such as journal articles and chapters of books.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: icitat
    Contains: author, corpauth, et-al, subresp, title, subtitle, section, pages, location, notes, url, isbn
    DTD: article


    Name: Identifier
    How to use it: It identifies a cross-reference, being the starting point of the reference.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: aff, keyword
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Ignore
    How to use it: It identifies an element that should be ignored.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Serial publication in ISO format
    How to use it: It contains specific identification elements of a serial publication or a journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: icitat
    Contains: isstitle, author, corpauth, et-al, stitle, sertitle, edition, city, state, country, pubname, isdesig, date, volid, issueno, pages, notes, issn, medium, update, cited, location, url
    DTD: article


    Name: Monograph in ISO format
    How to use it: It gathers the main elements to identify a monograph.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: icitat
    Contains: author, corpauth, et-al, title, subtitle, edition, subresp, city, state, country, pubname, date, volid, pages, extent, coltitle, notes, isbn, medium, update, cited, location, url
    DTD: article


    Name: In press
    How to use it: It indicates that the reference mentioned is still in the process of being published.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial, vmonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: International Standard Book Number
    How to use it: It identifies the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). The ISBN is the code that enables identifying the title of a specific and not serial monograph, edited by a specific editor.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: amonog, icontrib, imonog, omonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 69
    DTD: article


    Name: Issue designation
    How to use it: It identifies the main dates in a collection such as, for instance, the initial date of the collection.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: iiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 39
    DTD: article


    Name: Issue sequence number
    How to use it: It indicates the position of an issue in the database, according to its publication (indicating, for instance, if it is the first one in the year).
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: issueid
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 36
    DTD: serial


    Name: Bibliographic list in ISO format
    How to use it: It assembles the elements of a bibliography structured in compliance with ISO 690/87 standard.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: back
    Contains: head, icitat
    DTD: article


    Name: International Standard Serial Number
    How to use it: It identifies the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). The ISSN is a code that enables identifying the title of a specific serial publication.
    Type of Content: mixed
    Contained in: serpubfr, iiserial, aiserial, article, text, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 35
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Issue title
    How to use it: It identifies the title of an issue of a serial or periodical publication.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serfront, iiserial, aiserial, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 33
    DTD: serial, article


    Name: Issue identity
    How to use it: It specifies the identity of a specific issue. Such information is necessary for the basic bibliographic identification.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serpubfr
    Contains: issueno, issuept, supplid, iseqno
    DTD: serial


    Name: Issue number
    How to use it: It identifies the number of an issue.
    Type of Content: mixed
    Contained in: issueid, viserial, iiserial, aiserial, article, text, oiserial
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 32
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Issue part
    How to use it: It identifies the part of an issue.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: issueid
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 34
    DTD: serial


    Name: Keyword group
    How to use it: It assembles the elements for the thematic description of a document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: bibcom, bbibcom
    Contains: keyword, dperiod, subkey
    Attributes: scheme
    DTD: article


    Name: Keywords
    How to use it: It identifies the keywords in a document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: keygrp
    Contains: subkey, #PCDATA
    Attributes: type, language, id
    TAG in database: 85
    DTD: article


    Name: Language
    How to use it: It identifies the language the article was originally written in. When it is an attribute of ARTICLE, it identifies the language of the title. When it is an attribute of TITLE, it identifies the language of the title, and when it is an attribute of ABSTRACT, it identifies the language of the abstract.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: header, bibstrip, article, abstract, keyword, title, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 40, 41
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Legend
    How to use it: It indicates the legend of a figure or table.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: table, figgrp
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Location
    How to use it: It indicates the location of a part of a document in electronic format.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: icontrib, iserial, imonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Last page
    How to use it: It identifies the last page of a text or article in the printed version.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: text; article
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Medium
    How to use it: It indicates the media in which the publication is made.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: iserial, imonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Number
    How to use it: It identifies all types of numbers, which become specific according to their place in the structure.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: confgrp, vcitat, icitat, acitat, ocitat, table, figgrp
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 118
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Notes
    How to use it: It contains data not identified by the other elements of a citation.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: iiserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, icontrib
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Author in other citation formats
    How to use it: It assembles the elements to identify the individual authors responsible for the intellectual content of a document, such as name, surname and type of responsibility (coordination, organization , etc.).
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: ocontrib, omonog
    Contains: fname, surname, anonym, previous
    Attributes: role, rid
    DTD: article


    Name: Citation
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of a bibliographic reference in a bibliography.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: other
    Contains: no, ocontrib, omonog, oiserial, confgrp
    DTD: article


    Name: Contribution
    How to use it: It gathers elements, such as author and title, for the bibliographic description of a work that is part of a journal or a book, such as journal articles and chapters of books.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: ocitat
    Contains: oauthor, ocorpat, et-al, title, subtitle, date, pages
    DTD: article


    Name: Corporate author in other reference formats
    How to use it: It identifies the corporate authors responsible for the intellectual or artistic contents of the work.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: ocontrib, omonog
    Contains: orgdiv, orgname, previous
    DTD: article


    Name: Serial publication
    How to use it: It contains specific identification elements of a serial or periodical publication.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: ocitat
    Contains: sertitle, stitle, isstitle, othinfo, city, country, pubname, volid, issueno, suppl, pages, date, extent, issn
    DTD: article


    Name: Monograph
    How to use it: It gathers the main elements to identify a monograph.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: ocitat
    Contains: oauthor, ocorpaut, et-al, title, subtitle, confgrp, thesis, date, pages, edition, city, state, country, pubname, extent, coltitle, volid, isbn, othinfo
    DTD: article


    Name: Order
    How to use it: It indicates the order in which the article appears in the table of contents.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 121
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Organization division
    How to use it: It identifies the division of an organization.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: sponsor, corpauth, aff, thesgrp, rsponsor, thesis, ocorpaut
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: serial, article


    Name: Organization name
    How to use it: It identifies the name of an organization.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: sponsor, corpauth, aff, thesgrp, rsponsor, thesis, ocorpaut
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Bibliographic list
    How to use it: It assembles the elements of a bibliography structured according to the standards that were not adopted by FAPESP/BIREME project.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: back
    Contains: ocitat
    Attributes: standard, count
    DTD: article


    Name: Other information
    How to use it: It contains data not identified by other elements in a reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: oiserial, omonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 61
    DTD: article


    Name: Number of pages in the reference
    How to use it: It specifies the inclusive pagination of an article or part of a publication in a bibliographic reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial, vmonog, icontrib, iiserial, iimonog, acontrib, amonog, aiserial, ocontrib, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 14
    DTD: article


    Name: Part
    How to use it: It indicates the part mentioned in a bibliographic reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 34
    DTD: article


    Name: Publisher Item Identifier
    How to use it: It informs the single identification number for the documents contained in journals or books. Each document has a unique PII, which is exclusive to a document. The PII also identifies the type of publication of the source (periodical publication or monograph), ISSN or ISBN of the source and the year of publication in case of a serial publication.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 02
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Previous author
    How to use it: It indicates that the author of the bibliographic reference is the same one mentioned in the previous reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: oauthor, ocorpaut
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Project name
    How to use it: It identifies the name of the project the article is a partial or final product of.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: report
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 59
    DTD: article


    Name: Individual identification number of a publisher
    How to use it: It specifies the identification number of a publisher.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serpubfr
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 62
    DTD: serial


    Name: Publisher's name
    How to use it: It identifies the name of the publisher or editor of a document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vmonog, iiserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 62
    DTD: article


    Name: Date received
    How to use it: It identifies the date the article was received for publication in the journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: hist
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: dateiso
    TAG in database: 111
    DTD: article


    Name: Report
    How to use it: It gathers information about the project, of which the article is a partial or final product.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: bibcom, bbibcom, vmonog
    Contains: rsponsor, projname
    DTD: article


    Name: Revision date
    How to use it: It identifies the date the article was revised for publication in the journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: hist
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: dateiso
    TAG in database: 115
    DTD: article


    Name: Cross identification
    How to use it: It identifies a cross identification, which is the second point of the reference.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: author, subkey
    Contains: ID
    DTD: article


    Name: Indication of responsibility
    How to use it: It identifies the nature of the author's contribution, such as coordination, organization, etc.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: author
    Contains: #CDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Project sponsor
    How to use it: It identifies the financing or sponsoring institution of a project or event.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: report
    Contains: orgdiv, orgname, contract
    TAG in database: 58
    DTD: article


    Name: Controlled vocabulary
    How to use it: It identifies the source or instrument of vocabulary control used in the process of indexation.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: keygrp
    Contains: #CDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Section code
    How to use it: It indicates the section code of an issue.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: title, article, text
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 49
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Section group
    How to use it: It contains information about the sections of an issue.
    Type of Content: #PCDATA
    Contained in: toct
    Contains: title, entrygrp
    DTD: serial


    Name: Section
    How to use it: It indicates the section mentioned in a bibliographic reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: icontrib
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 49
    DTD: article


    Name: Serial back matter
    How to use it: It specifies the beginning of the back matter in a journal or serial publication where complementary information such as acknowledgement is found.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serial
    Contains: ack, vita, glossary
    DTD: serial


    Name: Serial body matter
    How to use it: It specifies the beginning of the body matter in a journal or serial publication, where articles and texts are found.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serial
    Contains: serpart, sersec
    DTD: serial


    Name: Serial front matter
    How to use it: It specifies the beginning of front matter in a journal or serial publication, where bibliographic and/or descriptive information of the issue is found.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serial
    Contains: cover, title, stitle, altitle, isstitle, serpubfr, sponsor, toct, bibstrip
    Attributes: count
    DTD: serial


    Name: Number
    How to use it: It specifies the beginning of an issue in a scientific journal
    Type of Content: element
    Contains: serfront, serbody, serback
    DTD: serial


    Name: Information about the publication of an issue
    How to use it: It contains the elements needed to identify an issue, such as volume and date.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serfront
    Contains: date, status, issueid, issn, volid, pubid
    DTD: serial


    Name: Serial section
    How to use it: It specifies the serial section in its body.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serbody
    Contains: title, article, text
    DTD: serial


    Name: Title of the serial publication
    How to use it: It identifies the title of a serial publication or journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: iiserial, aiserial, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 30
    DTD: article


    Name: Sponsor
    How to use it: It identifies the financing or sponsoring institution of a project, event or journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serfront, confgrp, article, text
    Contains: artwork, orgname, orgdiv
    TAG in database: 52
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Standard usde
    How to use it: It identifies the standard utilized for the bibliographic description.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vancouv, iso690, abnt6023, other
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 117
    DTD: article


    Name: State
    How to use it: It identifies the state corresponding to the place or city of publication of a work.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: confgrp, thesgrp, vmonog, thesis, iiserial, imonog, amonog, aiserial, aff, omonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Access availability
    How to use it: It identifies availability of access to a document, if access is free or restricted.
    Type of Content: mixed
    Contained in: serpubfr, text, article
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 42
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Shortened title
    How to use it: Contains the shortened and standardized form of the title in a journal or serial publication.
    Type of Content: mixed
    Contained in: serfront, vstitle, iiserial, aiserial, oiserial, article, text
    Contains: #CDATA, #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 30
    DTD: serial, article, text


    Name: Subkey
    How to use it: It identifies the forms used to qualify the keywords or descriptors
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: keygrp
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: rid
    DTD: article


    Name: Secondary responsibility
    How to use it: It indicates the secondary responsibilities in a citation, such as translators and proofreaders.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: icontrib, imonog, amonog
    Contains: fname, surname
    Attributes: role
    TAG in database: 93, 94
    DTD: article


    Name: Subtitle
    How to use it: It identifies the subtitle of a document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: titlegrp, vtitle, icontrib, imonog, acontrib, amonog, ocontrib, omonog, table, figgrp, bibcom, bbibcom
    Contains: #CDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Supplement
    How to use it: It identifies the supplement number of a journal.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial, aiserial, oiserial
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Supplement to identify the issue
    How to use it: It specifies the supplementary information to identify the issue.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: issueid
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: subc32
    DTD: Article


    Name: Volume supplement
    How to use it: It indicates the volume supplement number.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Issue supplement
    How to use it: It indicates the number of the issue supplement.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Surname
    How to use it: It identifies the surname of an individual author.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: author, subresp, oauthor
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article


    Name: Table
    How to use it: It indicates information about the tables in a text.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: article, text
    Contains: title, subtitle, legend
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Text
    How to use it: It specifies the texts that are part of a journal, but not scientific articles.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: sersec
    Contains: titlegrp, authgrp
    Attributes: pii, doctopic, language, ccode, status, version, type, order, seccode, sponsor, stitle, volid, supplvol, issueno, supplno, dateiso, fpage, lpage, issn, toccode
    DTD: serial


    Name: Thesis group
    How to use it: It gathers the elements needed to identify a thesis or dissertation, or elements derived from a thesis or dissertation.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: bibcom, bbibcom
    Contains: city, state, country, date, degree, orgdiv, orgname
    DTD: article


    Name: Thesis
    How to use it: It contains specific elements to identify an academic thesis or dissertation, in a bibliographic reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vmonog, amonog, omonog
    Contains: City, state, country, date, degree, orgdiv, orgname
    DTD: article


    Name: Title
    How to use it: It identifies the title of a document. The type of title depends on its place within the document, for instance, the title that is inside a section identifies the section title.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serfront, serpart, secgrp, titlegrp, vtitle, icontrib, imonog, acontrib, amonog, ocontrib, omonog, table, figgrp, sersec, bibcom, bbibcom
    Contains: #CDATA
    Attributes: language
    TAG in database: 12, 18
    DTD: serial, Article, text


    Name: Title group
    How to use it: It assembles the title elements of a document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: front, text
    Contains: title, subtitle
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Final date
    How to use it: It identifies the final date related to the period of time encompassed in the article.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: dperiod
    Contains: #CDATA
    TAG in database: 75
    DTD: article


    Name: Table of content code
    How to use it: It indicates which title shall appear in the table of contents. If filled in with value 1(title), it indicates that the table of contents shall be generated with the title of the text, and if filled in with value 2 (sectitle), it indicates the table of contents shall be generated with the title of the section.
    Type of Content: #IMPLIED
    Contained in: text
    DTD: text


    Name: Table of content model
    How to use it: It specifies the existence or location of the table of contents in the journal. The type of content is empty when it is automatically generated; otherwise, the content must be established by DTD.
    Type of Content: mixed
    Contained in: serfront
    Contains: header, secgrp, bibstrip
    DTD: article


    Name: Tome
    How to use it: It indicates the tome of a publication in a bibliographic reference.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: amonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 22
    DTD: article


    Name: Type of publication
    How to use it: It indicates the type of publication in a bibliographic reference, such as an editorial or a literature review.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vtitle, vstitle
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 71
    DTD: article


    Name: Type
    How to use it: It identifies the type of illustration within the document, when it is an attribute of ARTICLE, and the importance of the descriptor, such as primary and secondary, when it is an attribute of KEYWORD.
    Type of Content: attribute
    Contained in: article, keyword, text
    Contains: #NAMES, #CDATA
    TAG in database: 38
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Publication update
    How to use it: It indicates the date of the publication update.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: iserial, imonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    Attributes: dateiso
    DTD: article


    Name: Electronic direction
    How to use it: It indicates, in a bibliographic reference, the electronic direction of the document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial, icontrib, iiserial, imonog
    Contains: #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 37
    DTD: article


    Name: Bibliographic list in the Vancouver format
    How to use it: It assembles the elements of a bibliography structured in compliance with Vancouver standard.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: back
    Contains: vcitat
    Attributes: standard, count
    DTD: article


    Name: Citation in the Vancouver format
    How to use it: It identifies the beginning of a bibliographic reference in a bibliography.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vancouv
    Contains: no, vcontrib, viserial, vmonog
    DTD: article


    Name: Contribution in Vancouver format
    How to use it: It gather elements, such as author and title, for the bibliographic description of a work which is part of a journal or a book, such as journal articles or chapters of books.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vcitat
    Contains: author, corpauth, et-al, vtitle
    DTD: article


    Name: Version
    How to use it: It identifies the DTD version used in the process of marking the article, when it is an attribute of ARTICLE, and it identifies if the publication is in electronic or paper format, when it is an element of VMONOG.
    Type of Content: mixed
    Contained in: vmonog, article, text
    Contains: #PCDATA, #CDATA
    TAG in database: 120
    DTD: article, text


    Name: Serial publication in Vancouver format
    How to use it: It contains specific identification elements of a serial or periodical publication.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vcitat
    Contains: vstitle, inpress, date, cited, volid, issueno, suppl, part, pages, extent, url
    DTD: article


    Name: Curriculum vitae
    How to use it: It specifies the curriculum vitae within the serial back matter of the document.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serback
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: serial


    Name: Monograph in Vancouver format
    How to use it: It gathers the main elements to identify a monograph.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vcitat
    Contains: author, corpauth, et-al, vtitle, edition, version, confgrp, city, state, pubname, inpress, date, pages, report, thesis
    DTD: article


    Name: Volume
    How to use it: It identifies the volume number to which a document belongs.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: serpubfr, viserial, iiserial, imonog, acontrib, amonog, aiserial, article, text, omonog, oiserial
    Contains: #CDATA, #PCDATA
    TAG in database: 31, 21, 15
    DTD: article, serial, text


    Name: Shortened title in Vancouver format
    How to use it: It contains the shortened and standardized form of the title in a journal or serial publication.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: viserial
    Contains: stitle, tp
    DTD: article


    Name: Title in Vancouver format
    How to use it: It identifies a title group of a document in a bibliographic reference in the Vancouver format.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: vcontrib, vmonog
    Contains: title, subtitle, tp
    DTD: article


    Name: Zipcode
    How to use it: It indicates the zipcode.
    Type of Content: element
    Contained in: aff
    Contains: #PCDATA
    DTD: article, text

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